Phone and Internet chat communications are often intercepted by governments snooping around, investigators, rivals, enemies etc... On popular demand we have decided to release a FREE version of PhoneCrypt Desktop for your computer.
With PhoneCrypt you can fully encrypt your voice communication and be sure that no one can listen to your confidential information. Also, with PhoneCrypt you can safely send chat messages without the fear of others intercepting them. Since 2006, PhoneCrypt has been a leading telephone encryption solution used by military organizations and governmental institutions of many countries to secure their communication on cellular phones and PBX systems with up to 4096 bit encryption. PhoneCrypt Desktop is now a FREE communication product for the masses. It is currently in beta stage and is designed to securely connect Desktop users with PhoneCrypt Mobile users. Features
How PhoneCrypt works: First of all, make sure both parties have PhoneCrypt Desktop installed. In order to use PhoneCrypt Desktop, you need to have a Windows based Computer. When you login into PhoneCrypt, you will see a list of your friends and if they are available or not. If you call an available friend, the software will generate a public-private key (2048 Bit) and send the public part of the key to the other party who in turn will send a public key back. Both phones generate a session key (256 Bit), encrypt it and exchange it using the public key of the other phone. Once both phones securely exchanged the session keys, the voice is digitalized, compressed and encrypted with AES 256 bit. Once the digital data reaches the other party, the process is reversed. The data is then decrypted, uncompressed, and transformed back into voice. The encryption is made point to point (user to user) and cannot be decrypted in between. If somebody tries to start a man-in-the-middle attack, the software will reveal this. Limitations of PhoneCrypt Desktop: The FREE PhoneCrypt Desktop solution encrypts communication with 2048 Bit while the commercial PhoneCrypt Mobile solution uses encryption with a keystrength of 4098 Bit. It is possible to establish a secure communication (voice and chat) between the FREE and the commercial solutions using 2048 Bit encryption. The keylength is adapted automatically without user actions. Although PhoneCrypt Desktop is well tested, it is still declared to be in “beta stage”. If you discover strange behaviors or bugs, please let us know so we can fix them. FAQ: 1) I am using Skype for my voice and chat communications, am I not safe? A: Skype is a great program however its purpose is not to make secure calls, in fact authorities have keys and tools to intercept Skype voice calls and chat messages. Skype conversations are being intercepted on a regular basis by several governments. 2) I am using SRTP / TLS for my voice communication am I not safe? A: TLS / SRTP have already been hacked and are not suitable protocols for high security confidential information exchange. 3) I don’t have a Windows computer; can I use PhoneCrypt on my Apple/Android tablet? A: PhoneCrypt Desktop only works on Windows Based computers. However, if you want to use PhoneCrypt on Apple or Android tablet/mobile phone, you can use PhoneCrypt Mobile for iOS or Android. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |